Bude Scoops Gold in 2015 British Travel Awards!

We were thrilled to learn that Bude has been awarded a Gold Prize in the 2015 British Travel Awards.  Here are our thoughts on the accolade!


Well, we’ve always known that Bude is a premier UK coastal resort, but this year it is official as it scooped the Gold award for Best UK Coastal Resort in the British Travel Awards.

The judges were clearly impressed by the sheer variety of attractions to suit young and old.  A massive range of sporting activities and surf schools complements the stunning beaches and natural attractions.  Bude has also overseen a massive increase in the range of top-class eateries – everything from cream teas to award-winning seafood; from cosy pubs to trendy bistros.  Events such as Bude for Food, Bude Folk Festival and Bude Jazz secured the top slot for our friendly local town ensuring it is a vibrant area for tourists and locals alike.

This award bears testimony to the ongoing investment in the town, and the supreme effort of the local population who make Bude such a wonderful place to visit.  Well done everyone!

Now, I’m off to celebrate with a cream tea!

Read more in the VisitBude Blog.