Last week, we named the highest points in Cornwall, but when it comes to altitude, there’s no denying it – Devon takes the prize in the South-west. In fact, nearly half of all the tors on Dartmoor are higher than the very highest point in Cornwall. The moor is well-loved by walkers and outdoor enthusiasts, partly because unlike many National Parks so much of it is public access land. It has a bewitching mix of bogs, woodland, and ancient monuments, but is best known for its rocky tors, 5 of which are the highest points in the county.

5 – Great Links Tor
Another prominent feature on our horizon, Great Links Tor is notable for its towering main tor more than 12 metres high. To reach the actual summit, a bit of nimble clambering is required so it’s not for the faint hearted. You can either park at Meldon, and visit Yes Tor and High Willhays on the same occasion, or much shorter walk from the Dartmoor Inn at Lydford – a nice but not cheap reward for the hike.

4 – Hangingstone Hill/ Whitehorse Hill
North-North East of Cut Hill are the hills of Hangingstone and Whitehorse- the other joint third highest points – but due to the myriad of military roads they are a little more accessible. They don’t have much in the way of boulders, and no rocky outcrop – more of a barren wilderness experience. However, the military lookout and flagpole will let you know you’re at the summit of Hangingstone, while Whitehorse Hill has an ancient burial cist that until quite recently had the remains of a woman who died more than 4000 years ago.
3 – Cut Hill
Cut Hill is the joint third highest point in Devon, but is not one of the more popular tors. A good 90 minute walk from Postbridge, it is pretty remote even by Dartmoor standards, and the boggy, tussocky ground makes for a damp experience. However, the views are great and you usually get the place to yourself!

2 – Yes Tor
Another feature of our horizon here at Tamar Valley Cottages, for years Yes tor was thought to be the highest point in Dartmoor until its twin below pipped it to the top position. However, it has more rocky outcrops, a trig point and a radio mast to make it feel special! Don’t forget to walk along to its neighbour below.
1 – High Willhays
Officially considered a mountain, High Willhays is not only the county top, but is the highest point in the UK South of the Brecon Beacons in Wales. Slightly neglected in favour of its rockier and more impressive neighbour Yes Tor, High Willhays got one over when it was measured to be just two metres taller. The most popular route is to park at Meldon, take the path over the dam and up onto the moor.