Most of us love a good firework display, and at this time of year there are plenty to choose from. But what if your four-legged friend isn’t quite as keen? With pointers from the Kennel Club, we’ve collected 5 great tips for keeping your dog happy this bonfire night. Have you got a great tip? Let us know in the comments or tell us via social media.

Make a safe den for your dog where they can hide if they feel scared. Pop in an old jumper – they’ll be reassured by your scent.

Distract your dog by having the TV or radio on. Act normally – they will pick up on any peculiar behaviour!
Feed and walk your dog early – it may be some time before they’re relaxed enough to eat or venture outside again.

Close the windows and draw the curtains. This helps to mute the sound and dim the bright flashes.
Don’t be tempted to leave your dog home alone. Stay with them and keep them happy.